Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Great Hair After 40

Being blessed with great hair was tainted my memory of all have bad hair days, and always reminding hair loss.

For many of us a great hair day can be a huge confidence boost. Let's face it, when the hair in tact us saves time and makes us look sassy.

Yes, we've all heard by now that we have, of course, loose hair as we age, but it's something I'm not ready to accept.

As with all other chronic conditions that I have gained over the years, I find that many of our problems can be fixed or at least greatly helped with proper diet and supplements.

So why not eat your way to great hair?

We are what we eat, and my hair reacts to our diet in the same way as the rest of our skin or our bodies. Many of us are just not getting enough of what we need to make our hair seems to be the best.

a trip to the hair dresser hip can bring us back a few hundred dollars. However, even with all the latest gismos available such as hair treatments, our locks will not shine for more than one day, if we lack the essential vitamins they need.

After losing a big part of my hair I found out that the generic hair loss is much worse for women who have iron deficiency and those with low levels of vitamin B.

What's worse is that nine out of ten women aged between 16 and 50 are iron deficient.

Surprisingly these figures are much worse than it is today for our mothers. The reason? So many of us are on some kind of health kick, and tend not to eat meat or other iron-rich foods such as fresh green leafy vegetables.

We can hardly complain about dull, thinning hair if you're just not giving him food must be healthy, shiny and thick. So - here is a quick list to add to your shopping cart next time you hit the supermarket


Eat lots of:

* Fresh vegetables - high color, and green leafy
* Non-citrus-natural yogurt
* cold pressed oils such as olive oil, flax seeds or sesame seeds
* Soy protein in the form of tofu, soy milk or soy yogurt
* Legumes-peas, beans and lentils
* Whole grains-especially brown rice, oats and buckwheat
* Seeds-sunflower, pumpkin, sesame and linseeds
* almonds, figs and dates
* Fresh oily fish such as salmon, tuna, herring, anchovies and sardines


* Many: pure still water in your digestive system and help remove toxins - sluggish digestion leads to a limp, dull or oily hair

cut down to:

* Milk (cow's milk) products
* Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, and soda drinks)
* Sugar and salt

If you change your diet to include more healthy foods hair - you'll be rewarded not only great looking hair, but loads of energy and glowing skin



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